I Lost Focus

Walking while bringing files of report, when I reached the door… I stopped for a while and asked myself, “What I am doing here?” Only to found out that I was in the wrong office…

Texting and then found out that the last word wasn’t the appropriate one…

After trying to record on my mind the words of my boss as giving me instructions… I end up asking “what is it again?” ….

This is what I am currently experiencing – LOST IN FOCUS...

I’m thinking a lot of things that I wanted to have, to do, to accomplish. But none of these are completed… always half baked… And honestly I’m frustrated with myself and I became more pessimists and easily get irritated over little things.

My mom suggested to me to meditate. It helps more concentrated and focus. I tried this when I’m in high school and it truly works. Maybe I have to try this again to condition my mind since as we all know what the mind can conceive the body can achieve. It’s Mind Power!


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