A(H1N1) Vaccine

I was injected with A (H1N1) vaccine this afternoon. It was a free immunization administered by the Health and Nutrition section of our office. Although the needle looked scary but it’s not painful at all; just like the usual and old phrase from a doctor or nurse “it’s like a bite of an ant”. LOLz…

A(H1N1) Vaccine

Except that I experienced numbness on my left hand (where the shot was injected). I think it’s an after effect. That’s why we were advised to relax for 15 minutes before going back to our work station.

I remember we were all alarmed on this viral infection, Influenza A(H1N1), last year because it caused death. Masks and vitamin C was in demand at that time and classes and works were suspended.

Although it’s not currently in the limelight of the media and no current cases of this viral infection it still better if we’re prepared and immunized. Prevention is still better than cure. But before having it better consult a doctor first because it not good for those who are hypertensive, allergic to any foods and medicines, has seizure disorder and having fever.
