Tiangge: A Christmas Bazaar For-a-Cause

Tiangge Proud to say... Uhhmmm... I designed the tarpauline

Our office established a Tiangge, a Christmas Bazaar for a cause. That’s why I have not posted recently. I assisted on deciding and putting prices on the items. Most of the items are pre-used or pre-loved but are still in good condition. While preparing the items, I can’t control myself but buy things that are actually super extra large for me. Well actually I have plans for these items. I got the idea of redoing of revising the dress into something that really looks and fits me well from New Dress A Day Blog of Marissa Lynch. Ohh! Speaking of dress redo, I actually made my first project. Check it out in my craft blog.

Making fun with the dresses. We modeled for it, unfortunately the photographer only captured the dresses. LOL

Big Dress

I bought this super extra large dress. i already know what to do with this cute dress. LOL

Kasuotan Dress

Look! It’s Kasuotan


On the second day of Bazaar, my fashionista boss brought her pre-loved items: jewelries, dress, shoes, and bags prizes ranges from a Php 5.00 to Php 1,000. The most expensive that I’m referring is the DM’s shoes. I think the prize is reasonable.

And bought this pair of sandal for my mom. I know she’ll love this.brown Sandal

Her items were actually the most awaited in the bazaar. For we know her as super trendy and sophisticated.

The bazaar will run till December 22….. More cool items are coming. And I’m out of my budget.


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