Squash Candy

Vitamin A is what I need ! With the kind of work I have – facing the computer the whole day - I think I need a dose of these yellow foods. Although there are already synthetic vitamins [A] available in drug stores, I still prefer eating foods rich in Vitamin A.

Talking of vitamin A, the most popular vege in this Halloween season is the pumpkin or what we called squash, which is known to its richness in vitamin A. Last all souls day we prepare a very delicious recipe called squash candy. It may look gross because of the color and texture but I’m pretty sure once your children taste it, they will surely love it. My niece almost eaten ¾ of the bowl (it’s actually more or less 8 kilos of squash). Whoaah!!!!

P.S. For a brighter eyes….. Uhmmm… LOL …..In case you want to try it ....squash candy – is only a mixture of mash squash, condensed milk and unsalted butter. No exact proportion. Just keep adding gradually the butter and condensed milk until desired taste is achieved.

Happy eating!


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